Thursday, 20 January 2011

Thursday 20th January 2011

Sunny, winds came up in second session.

4x 6 arrow ends warmup
2x 6 arrow ends cooldown.

Total 108.

Had a brilliant start with a 51, smooth end, but somehow things degenerated badly, shooting two 39 point ends.  I ended up just taking the sessions as an exercise in muscle training more than anything.  My release was failing to function well at all.

I shot a 530 odd score, a 260 something and a 260 something.  Consistent, but, could have been better.

Not really too bad a thing, scores will go up and down, just hope progressively that scores will climb up.

1 comment:

ehaka said...

Nice shooting friend. I need to do some practice at 70m and not just try to improve during competition.