Saturday, 23 April 2011

Saturday 23rd April 2011

No real wind of note, grey overcast with rain at times

3x  6 arrow ends @ 60m, 122cm warmup

Total 108

Shot the club Canberra round.  Took a bit of time to warmup as usual, my sight settings for 60m were also not accurate since I had a new string but was using older settings from the Liverpool Bi-Tournament.  Fixing anchor position and string picture also took a bit of time to settle in.  Finished with a 787, reasonable, not great, but I'm not terribly upset with it.

Ricci told me that my release looked a lot better, and I wasn't dropping my bow arm like before, so progress is progress.

Session: 1 ( FITA 122cm at 60 metres )
1 47 47
2 47 94
3 50 144
4 48 192
5 51 243
  Session: 2 ( FITA 122cm at 50 metres )
1 54 54
2 52 106
3 56 162
4 56 218
5 53 271
  Session: 3 ( FITA 122cm at 40 metres )
1 56 56
2 53 109
3 55 164
4 53 217
5 56 273

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