Sunday, 29 November 2009

Sunday 29th November 2009

@ Sefton

Breezy gusts of wind at time, comfortable.

1x 6 @ 18m warmup
10x 6 @ 18m scoring as 2 sets of Indoor I simultaneously (two spots)
1x 6 @ 18m cooldown

Total 72.

Scored a 261 and a 267 for a 528, fairly mediocre, nothing special to mention.  Having not shot much in the recent weeks, it shows in keeping all of the elements together for a good solid sequence.  However, still a passable result and several ends were relaxed even if the arrows weren't grouping.

Saturday 28th November 2009

@ Sefton, very warm, early evening.

Nothing too unusual.

3x 12 arrow ends @ 8m, blank.

Found it was easy and seemed alright in keeping bowarm up.
Release was a little flakey at times but otherwise okay.
Finding that my sight alignment with string is not as good, have to make sure my face position will settle onto seeing on the left hand side of the string.

Friday, 27 November 2009

Shooting from the last two weeks

I was a bit lazy in not updating, but in the last two weks, I've only managed to shoot 72 arrows.
We've had a bit of crazy hot, then windy, and rain weather, along with me working until 6pm in the city, looks like my ability to keep on shooting is going to be majorly hampered. -_-

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Tuesday 10th November 2009

@ Sefton

Pleasant afternoon, sun sinking over the horizon.

1x 6 arrow @ 18m, 40cm spot, no scoring
1x 18 arrow @ 18m, 40cm spot, no scoring
1x 12 arrow @ 18m, 40cm spot, no scoring

Total 36.

Have people walking along stop and watch and ask questions about shooting.  Two from up the road, and one from across the road.

Broke three nocks with grouping.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Sunday 8th November 2009

@ Sefton

Afternoon, light breeze on odd times, clear weather after rain periods in the morning.

5x 6 arrow ends @ 18m, 40cm spot, scoring
1x 6 arrow end @ 18m, 40cm spot, no scoring
2x 18 arrow ends @ 18m, blank.

Total 72.

Scored a 269 for the indoor round.
During blank, tried to meld everything together into consistency, not working that well, but towards the last 6 arrows, I concentrated on engaging subscapularis strongly and found that it made bringing through the clicker happen faster. Now to control it along with a better release.

Saturday 7th November 2009

@ Sefton,

Clear skies, late afternoon with dusk settling in.

5x 6 arrow ends @ 18m, 40cm spot, scoring
1x 6 arrow ends @ 18m, 40cm spot, no scoring.

Total 36.

Scored a 266 round.  I thought it would be much lower than that by how it looked and felt until I added the scores up.  The changing light conditions made it difficult to shoot progressively and appeared that my arrows were getting lower in the target, but the deviation was not that great.  There were two really great releases and shots, with one entire cycle being so perfect, smooth, relaxed that it felt awesome.  The only thing now is to try and recreate it yet again.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Friday 6th November 2009

@ Sefton

Very overcast and grey.
Cool, slight wind, light spitting rain towards the last two ends.

1x 6 arrow @ 18m 40cm spot warmup
10x 6 arrow @ 18m, 40cm spot scoring
1x 6 arrow @ 18m, 40cm warmdown.

Total 72

Two rounds of indoor today: 268 and a 266.
Not that great, not that bad either.

Afternoon session

Warmer weather

2x 18 arrow ends @ 18m, 40cm spot, no scoring.

Total 36.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Tuesday 3rd November 2009

@ Sefton

Very hot ~36°C, bright at times, slight gusts at times.

1x 6 arrow end warmup @ 18m, 40cm spot
20x 3 arrow ends @ 18m, 40cm spot, scored
1x 6 arrow ends cooldown @ 18m, 40cm spot

Total 72.

I shot two scored Indoor I rounds

1) 274 with 3 X's and 9 10's.
Outliers were  1x 7's and 2x 8's arrows

2) 274 with 5 X's and 11 10's
Outliers were 3x 7's and  1x 8 arrows

A 274 rating comes to a 78 rating, so only 2 ratings off.
I'm quite happy with that.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Saturday 31st October 2009

@ Sefton,

Cool, sunny.

2x 18 arrow ends @ 18m, blank.

Total 36.